The maximum laser power of your laser machine affects both the quality of your products and the working time. For laser engraving applications, you can achieve good results with laser power between 25-80 watts. For applications that require high precision and efficiency, we would recommend a laser power greater than 80 watts. In this article, we will introduce laser cutting machine for aluminum, metal with diverse laser power and what thickness and size of the cutting plate or pipe can cut with machines: &nbs
With the rapid development of laser sheet cutting machine technology and the gradual intensification of competition, more and more high-power cnc metal sheet cutting machine have been developed. The available laser power can reach 30000w or higher, and it is possible to cut sheets with a thickness of 1 mm or even 100 mm thick. In this post, we will walk through the maximum thickness that the most often used fiber cutting machine with different laser wattage can cut. 1. 4kw Laser Cutt
海目星雷射作為中國最大的光纖雷射切割機製造商之一,是新能源汽車、消費性電子、金屬製造行業自動化系統的領先製造商。在這篇文章中,我們將帶您了解鈑金雷射切割設備如何服務新能源汽車產業。極片生產流程是鋰離子電池製造的基礎,對極片製造設備的性能、精度、穩定性、自動化程度和生產效率都有很高的要求。為了滿足車規級動力電池設備的要求,海目星雷射不斷迭代創新產品。光纖切割機面臨兩個主要技術困難。一是R角衝切的精確對準,二是從連續運動到間歇運動的過渡。海姆森提出視覺定位偵測。此方法減少了物料波動的影響,定位精度高。此外,正極切割方式可以使被切割材料的切割邊緣變得圓潤,並減少小碰撞和材料脫落的風險。針對粉塵問題,海目星光纖雷射CNC工具機採用高效粉塵治理技術,涵蓋雷射站除塵、氣刀除塵、靜電除塵。海目星的視覺定位功能是透過安裝在機器上的CCD攝影機來發揮作用的。標記點用於建立座標關係並透過運動控制系統最佳化加工。我們可以透過視覺加工定位來優化加工。啟用雙工位後,操作者在設定好切割檔案後即可交換工作台進行旋轉切割。視覺定位功能有效提升切割精度,提升切割品質與效率。 中國金屬切削工具機銷售海目星雷射作為金屬雷射切割機製造商之一,於2015年開始涉足